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New members are always welcome. The club meets throughout the year (excluding the months of January, July & December) on the Third Wednesday of each month, at Bawburgh Village Hall, 7.30 for 8.00pm.

Bawburgh is a few miles north-west of Norwich, close to the Royal Norfolk Showground.

In addition to Rallies, Social Events and Monthly Entertainment are provided throughout the year. Interested in joining a progressive group?

Membership Prices (per year January - January) :-

Single £18

£9 For each person living at the same address

Download An New Member Application Form - new-member-app-form-2025-1.doc

Download An Existing Member Application Form - member-app-form-2025-1.doc

CHEQUE Payable To: NICE Society Ltd.
BACS: Acc No: 34524845 Sort Code: 40-35-09

Please contact us for further information.